The School Population:
- West Lodge Primary School has a strong ethos of inclusion with high quality provision for children with complex needs. Bee Inclusive is at the heart of our core values.
- The school is a vibrant mix of various cultures and religions which represents our diverse wider community
- The percentage of the school population with other than English believed to be a child’s first language is consistently above the national percentage
- There are approximately 45 different languages spoken by the children
- The population consists of over 16 different ethnicities
- The school population represents approximately 12 different religions
- The staff population is representative of our diverse community and there are 24 different languages spoken by the staff
- The school adheres to statutory equal opportunities when recruiting and promoting staff
- The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Leadership Team are responsible for overseeing and reviewing equalities procedures
- The school has rigorous safeguarding policies in place
- The school has a clear disability accessibility plan in place
- Since receiving Level 1 of the Rights Respecting Schools’ Award, all updated and new School policies are linked with and make reference to The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- There is coverage within the curriculum to promote children’s understanding of equalities issues using rights respecting language
- The school participates in a wide range of events and activities to highlight equality issues including community cohesion, global awareness, gender roles, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- All reasonable adjustments are made to ensure the school’s physical environment is suitable for all children, staff, parents and visitors
Consultation and Involvement:
- The school provides regular opportunities to find out how children think and feel about the school
- The school has procedures for consulting and involving parents and carers in all aspects of school life
- The school uses data to rigorously track the progress and attainment of all groups including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, disability and pupil premium
- If any groups of children are identified as being at risk of underachievement, additional resources are put in place to enable each child to reach their potential