
West Lodge

Primary School

Rights Respecting School

Rights Respecting School Award

We are delighted to announce that the school was awarded UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School Award - Level 1 (RRSA.)  We are particularly proud of this award as we have worked to embed the Rights of the Child at the very core of our ethos - underpinning everything we do, placing the child at the centre of all of our work. 


By working towards this award, we have noticed that the children have become more respectful, have developed a greater awareness of global issues, have a clear sense of justice and have become more independent and mature learners understanding that it is their own personal responsibility to respect the rights of their peers.


The assessors remarked: “It was clear to the assessors during the visit that everyone places a real importance on an ethos that is underpinned and supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).”


We would like to thank all the children, staff, parents and governors who have worked so hard throughout the year to embed the principles and values of RRSA. 


As a Rights Respecting School we will continue to work on the principles and values of the UNCRC working towards achieving Level 2.  


Each class created a Charter to be displayed in their classroom.

