We believe all children at West Lodge Primary School have entitlement to learning experiences which will enable them to achieve their maximum potential.
Be Inclusive is one of the core values and recognises every child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.
At West Lodge diversity is highly valued and children are encouraged to develop mutual respect and tolerance of each other and to believe that there are no limits to individual effort and achievement.
We welcome children with a wide range of needs and strive to meet their needs regardless of the challenges they may face.
Support for Learning:
Our highly skilled staff include specialist teachers who deliver targeted support for identified children and a large number of support staff, many of whom work with children who have complex needs.
Pastoral Support:
As a stable primary school with little mobility, our children build up strong and secure relationships with staff each year and have key adults they can approach if they have concerns, worries or issues which need resolving.
Developing the role of peer mediators in the playground provides children with additional support from their peers.