All children at West Lodge enjoy Mathematics. The spark is lit within them through the use of enriching and engaging learning opportunities. Children explore concepts through concrete apparatus, pictorial imagery and link this to abstract ideas and calculations. We believe that all children are capable of understanding and succeeding in Mathematics. Learning best happens when children’s misconceptions are understood, addressed and supported through challenging work where mistakes are expected, reflected upon and treated as a learning opportunity.
How we teach Maths
At West Lodge we use a variety of planning resources to provide a bespoke teaching and learning experience that is designed to interest, inform and inspire our children. We follow the Maths Programme of Study as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for KS1 and KS2 and Development Matters 2021 for EYFS. Teachers systematically build maths knowledge, skills and understanding. Each year group is split into two cycles of learning, and each cycle of learning is organised into the following five blocks:
The mathematics National Curriculum explicitly states that we must teach children to “reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language”.
Through doing this, children can construct their own understanding and add to their existing schemas of knowledge. Therefore at West Lodge we teach vocabulary instruction explicitly in order to deepen the children’s understanding of the concepts we teach.
Useful links for vocabulary definitions:
​Calculation Policy
The 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, Mathematics, sets out progression in written methods of calculation that highlights how children would move from informal methods of recording to a formal written method for each of the four operations. How we teach calculation at West Lodge is summarised in our 'Calculation Policy'. This has been divided into year groups to show progression in methods.
Useful Links (EYFS/Key Stage One)
Subject Leader
Our subject leader for mathematics is Miss Patel.