At West Lodge, we understand that Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. Our high-quality music curriculum engages and inspires our musicians to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and resultant sense of achievement. As pupils continue their journey through West Lodge, they develop a critical engagement with an eclectic mix of music, allowing them to compose as well as listen.
We understand how important it is to stimulate our musicians’ creativity whilst also developing the relevant key musical skills. Through being exposed to a range of music from different periods and genres, we enable the children to respond to and critique a wide range of styles. Our musicians can then ‘magpie’ from what they have listened to and apply the highlights within their own compositions. We aim to provide an environment where children are happy to participate in the composition of music as well as sharing their pieces without the fear of being judged or making mistakes. Through the provision of enrichment activities we hope that children will learn to appreciate and value the arts and their place in their culture and society.
Children in Years 4 - 6 are offered the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Our pupils learn a wide range of brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments: guitar, violin, cello, drums, clarinet, flute, oboe, trumpet, trombone, cornet, tabla, sitar and harmonium.
Please refer to the Instrumental Lessons Information below.
Class Music Lessons
Some year groups learn a musical instrument as part of their weekly music lessons:
Y3 – Ukulele (Summer Term)
Y4 – Steel Pans (throughout the year)
Y5 – Samba Music (Summer term)
A real highlight of the year was our Live Music Evening. Over one hundred of our musicians from Year 4 to Year 6 participated in this lovely occasion. It was heart-warming to see the US Hall so full; the audience was entertained by such a wide variety of pieces. Some of the highlights included, Ode to Joy, 20th Century Boy, Sing from your Heart and, who could forget the Dance Club's version of Bad Habits. The whole evening was compared beautifully by the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. Well Done to all of the children involved and thank you to Harrow Music Service's Teachers, our school adults who stayed to support the evening and of course you, the audience, for making the evening so special. An evening to remember - that's for sure!
As part of our extra-curricular activities, pupils in Years 4 - 6 have the opportunity to join one of the school choirs. The Year 5 and 6 Choirs had the opportunity to participate in our recent Remote Harvest Festival.
Children in Years 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to participate in our School Orchestra.